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Chiropractor from University of Southern Denmark
Master of Science in Clinical Biomechanics from University of Southern Denmark.

Julia HARALDSSON Chiropractor


Her path with chiropractic

Growing up in Sweden, Julia always had a big interest in health and nature. For many years she was practicing track and field. First as a runner and jumper, but after a knee injury, primarily as a coach. After trying different methods to cure the knee pain, she was finally helped by a chiropractor.
Impressed by the profession and curious by nature, she wanted to learn more and decided to move to Denmark to become a chiropractor.
In Denmark, the chiropractor students study together with the medical students during a three years Bachelor, followed by a two years master in clinical biomechanics to finally receive the title chiropractor.

Julia has practiced in Denmark, Sweden and Germany. After graduation she specialized in the pediatric and pregnant patients. Julia also has a big interest in treating extremities and a certain interest in the feet, a complex and sometimes forgotten area of the body. When not caring for her patients, Julia prefer to practice yoga and explore the French culture and nature.